In today's competitive ecommerce landscape, it's more important than ever to have a strong messaging strategy. A messaging strategy is an essential component to a well-rounded marketing campaign. Well-crafted messaging helps you connect with your target audience, build trust, and drive sales—it can even help you build your brand and brand recognition.

Below, we'll discuss the importance of a messaging strategy, how to develop a messaging strategy, and how to track and achieve your marketing goals. We will also cover some common pitfalls to avoid—and the importance of proper marketing attribution and analysis.

What is a messaging strategy?

A messaging strategy is a plan for communicating with your target audience. A good messaging strategy will incorporate your brand's mission, values, and tone of voice, as well as the core messages you want to convey. A well-crafted messaging strategy will help you connect more deeply with your audience and increase the perception and awareness of your overall brand.

Why is a messaging strategy important?

By using a messaging strategy, companies can communicate their value propositions to their target audience more efficiently. Companies use their brand messaging strategy and positioning statements to build trust and credibility with their audience. 

An effective brand strategy improves:

  1. Brand positioning. A messaging strategy can help you to create a consistent brand experience and build brand awareness across all channels. When your messaging is consistent, your audience will be more likely to remember your brand and associate your products with the core values you want them to represent. 

  2. Customer relationships. A brand messaging strategy can help you to target your marketing efforts and build customer engagement, creating an emotional connection with your desired audience. By understanding your target audience and what they care about, you can create messages that are more likely to resonate with them.

  3. Campaign effectiveness. A messaging strategy helps improve the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns, such as your content marketing. By keeping your messaging consistent, you can better see what messages work and which don’t—and make the necessary adjustments.

Examples of messaging strategies include:

  • A tech company creates a messaging strategy around digital transformation. The company focuses on the benefits of digital transformation for businesses, such as increased efficiency, reduced costs, and improved customer service. They also highlight the company's expertise in digital transformation and how they can help businesses achieve their goals. A good messaging strategy will incorporate this message across the company’s communications to align its brand with its business goals.

  • A fashion company creates a messaging strategy centering on sustainability. The company focuses on the environmental and social benefits of sustainability, such as reducing waste, conserving resources, and improving working conditions. The company also highlights its commitment to sustainability and how they are working to make their products and operations more sustainable. By incorporating this messaging strategy into marketing materials and key messages, the fashion company differentiates itself and aligns itself with the values of its customers.

  • A food company creates a messaging strategy focused on health and wellness. The company focuses its messaging on the health benefits of its products, such as being low in sugar, fat, or calories. They also highlight the company's commitment to health and wellness and how the company works to create good products for people and the planet. Ultimately, this strategic messaging aligns the food brand with health and wellness in the eyes of the consumer. 

What should you avoid when creating a messaging strategy?

Have you ever seen a marketing messaging strategy that made you cringe? There are a few messaging strategy pitfalls to avoid if you want to really connect with your audience: 

  • Don't try to be everything to everyone. It's better to focus on a specific niche and create messaging that appeals to that audience. Align your positioning strategy with your broader marketing strategy rather than trying to hit everything all at once.

  • Don't be afraid to be different. Your messaging should stand out from the competition. Create a unique selling proposition and tone of voice. Remain true to your brand story and tailor your decision-making to target the ideal customer.

  • Don't be afraid to experiment. Brainstorm. Try different things. By playing with your messaging framework, you may uncover pain points and selling points in your target market you weren't previously aware of.

Likewise, you can always change up your messaging strategy if your analytics indicate that your current strategy isn't working for you.

Messaging strategies and marketing attribution

Developing a messaging strategy and proper marketing attribution go hand in hand. Without marketing attribution, it becomes difficult to understand the effectiveness of your marketing strategy. 

By tracking the results of your campaigns, you can see which messages are driving the most traffic and conversions. You can also reveal key information about the demographics responding to your messaging strategy—and how your strategy is impacting their relationship with your business. 

These analytics can then be used to optimize your campaigns to get the most out of your marketing budget.

Start developing your messaging strategy today

A well-crafted messaging strategy is essential for any ecommerce brand. But it can take time. Even if you start today, you'll probably need to do market research, conduct A/B testing, and launch customer surveys. Start with a good technology stack, including marketing analytics, to get the most out of your data.

Some additional tips for creating a successful messaging strategy:

  • Start with your brand values. What are the core values that your brand stands for? Your messaging should reflect these values.

  • Know your target audience. Who do you really want to reach? What's your ideal customer? What are their needs and interests?

  • Be consistent. Your messaging should be consistent across all your marketing channels--your website, social media, email marketing, and even SMS text messaging. 

  • Be clear and concise. Your messaging should be easy to understand and remember. If your core values are longer than a sentence, they’re likely too complex.

  • Be creative. Make it a goal to experiment with different messaging formats and styles. Don’t be afraid to change things up if they aren’t working. 

But none of it works without the ability to track your results. Emotive is a one-stop-shop for all your marketing analytics, a single dashboard through which to consolidate and analyze your marketing analytics. With Emotive, you gain access to the information and insights you need to develop and optimize your messaging strategy. 

Discover the right messaging for your ecommerce brand today. Get started with Emotive.