As an industry leader in SMS marketing, the seasoned pros at Emotive understand that new doesn't always mean better. We also want to make sure that you’re getting the best results possible to skyrocket that ROI.

With that in mind, allow us to share our insight for reducing SMS opt-outs and maintaining a robust subscriber list.

Why Do SMS Customers Opt-Out?

Opting in to a brand's SMS program is a strong indicator of purchase intent. In fact, over 80% of global consumers are more likely to make a purchase when they're enrolled in a brand's SMS program.

Yet, building an engaged SMS audience goes beyond mere subscriber growth. Retaining existing subscribers is crucial for driving repeat purchases and fostering brand loyalty.

To make the most of your SMS program, you need to understand what prompts subscribers to opt out and employ effective strategies to keep them engaged.

What is an SMS Opt-Out?

What exactly is an SMS opt-out? How do you calculate the opt-out rate? What constitutes an average opt-out rate? What are the factors contributing to high opt-out rates? These are valid questions we'll address here.

An SMS opt-out occurs when a consumer chooses to unsubscribe from a brand's text messaging program. Given the strict regulations surrounding SMS, brands must make the opt-out process as effortless as possible. Subscribers can simply reply with "STOP," "UNSUBSCRIBE," "CANCEL," "END," or "QUIT" to discontinue receiving text messages.

It's important to understand that it's normal for consumers to opt out of your SMS program. Subscribers join for various reasons, ranging from taking advantage of a welcome offer to being notified about specific product launches. Preventing opt-outs after redeeming a coupon requires building an engaging welcome series and delivering personalized campaigns.

Monitoring unusually high opt-out rates for campaign messages or journeys, in conjunction with click-through and conversion rates, offers valuable insights into which message and content types resonate with your audience.

Additionally, SMS opt-outs don't imply that subscribers are lost forever. They may resubscribe when they're ready to make another purchase or desire continued connection with your brand.

Now, let's explore how to calculate an SMS opt-out rate.

SMS Opt-Out Rates: An Overview

Understanding the average SMS opt-out rates is crucial for industry professionals looking to optimize their messaging strategies. While there's no universal benchmark, these rates can vary based on factors such as industry, list size, list maturity, and message types. To effectively track opt-outs, we recommend a self-benchmarking approach, enabling you to identify any spikes or steady increases that may indicate a need for strategy adjustment.

Understanding the Causes of High Opt-Out Rates

There are several reasons why subscribers may choose to opt out of an SMS program. These reasons often include:

Frequency: Sending messages at a frequency that does not align with subscribers' preferences.

Relevance: Delivering messages that are deemed irrelevant by subscribers.

Value: Failing to provide sufficient value to your subscribers.

Strategies to Reduce SMS Opt-Outs

To mitigate opt-out rates and enhance subscriber engagement, consider implementing the following practical tips:

  • Two-Way Messaging: Utilize a feature, like Emotive’s Conversational Ads, to ensure that subscribers receive an appropriate number of messages within a designated timeframe. By limiting excessive messaging, you can ensure a seamless and satisfactory SMS experience for your subscribers.

  • Engaging Welcome Series: Craft a compelling welcome series that effectively introduces your SMS program to new subscribers, while highlighting its value. Strike a balance between promotional content and brand-building initiatives, setting clear expectations regarding frequency and content.

  • By adopting these strategies, you can decrease SMS opt-out rates and establish yourself as an industry leader. Emulate the success of industry trailblazers like Emotive, who have excelled in the SMS marketing arena.

To ensure effective engagement and minimize SMS opt-outs, it is crucial to streamline your approach and take a comprehensive look at subscriber interaction. This involves assessing your messaging frequency, content types, and understanding how recipients respond to various message formats, including tone, GIFs, images, and incentives. Let's explore some top strategies for maintaining subscriber engagement:

Implement two-way messaging to optimize message frequency

Leverage Emotive’s versatile features to control the number of text messages a subscriber receives within a specific timeframe. We recommend setting a maximum of one message per day, without overwhelming your audience. By utilizing these inputs, you can deliver a seamless SMS experience, while avoiding the risk of inundating subscribers with excessive messages.

Craft a compelling welcome series to set expectations

A well-crafted welcome series serves as the cornerstone of your SMS program, allowing you to establish a positive impression and communicate the value of being part of your subscriber community. Strike a balance between promotional content and brand-building messages, ensuring that you deliver a memorable experience from the start. Consider incorporating industry-leading examples, such as Emotive, known for their expertise in this area.

Personalize messages to enhance relevance

Tailor messages to align with subscribers' preferences and behaviors, thus demonstrating a deep understanding of their needs and interests. Personalization can be based on factors such as products browsed, purchase history, engagement frequency, and geographic location. By leveraging these insights, you can cultivate stronger connections, foster loyalty, and mitigate opt-outs.

Remember, an effective SMS strategy requires a combination of thoughtful planning, strategic implementation, and continuous analysis of subscriber engagement. By employing these industry-leading practices, exemplified by Emotive, you can optimize your SMS program and maintain high levels of audience engagement.